My Story

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Real Love Story

It's still a very surreal feeling that I will be getting married in 4 weeks. The days are flying by and before I know it I will be walking down the aisle to marry the man whom I will share my life with.  I feel very emotional as I reflect on the journey that I've been on, to be where I am today. I want to relish in the blessings that God has given me and for this wonderful season in my life, but I have learned that it's in the suffering that we truly come to realize just how good our God is. 

Last Sunday, my Fiance and I went to church, the church that I have attended for many years. During worship, the altar was open for anyone to come and pray. Jeff took my hand and motioned for the front of the church as he had many times before. But this time, as he got down on his knees and prayed, I heard him say these words. "Lord please help me to be the Godly leader of our family." My eyes immediately welled up with tears and my heart felt so full I thought it might burst. And then, like a ton of bricks, I remembered that I had been here so many times before. And right there, on that same ground, on those same knees, I had prayed all alone many times before. Through my tears, I would pray,

"God, I'm so broken, I'm so sad, and I'm so hurt. I know that you only you can take that away. I don't understand why this has happened to me, but please use me for your glory. Please bring someone into my life on your time, not mine." 

To be honest, sometimes I would add, "but please don't be TOO long from now...." Like God really needed my input of timing suggestions. And yet, here I am, 4 weeks away from marrying the man that I had prayed for. "BLESSED is she who believed that the LORD would fulfill his promises to Her." Luke 1:45

BUT this  is not about my relationship with my soon-to-be Husband, it's about my relationship with The Lord. And right there at that altar, I was reminded of just how badly I needed Him during that time of suffering. I had nothing else. I had no one else. I had Him, and that was all. Looking back now, I realize what a blessing that time was! Oh what a blessing it is to endure suffering for His glory!  James 1:12 tells us,

 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Two years ago, I had no idea what God was going to do with my life. I couldn't see past the tears, the hurt, and the pain. The pain has not gone away because The Lord brought a man into my life, but because The Lord is in my life. The most beautiful love story that I will ever be a part of, is the one in which I fall in love every day with the One who made me. Where I continue to realize and understand little by little that He chose me. He has a purpose for me, and He has a plan for me, and he has one for you too. THIS is true love. 

It doesn't matter who broke your heart or who took you for granted. That person does not define your worth because they do not have power over you. Your worth comes from who you are in Jesus. He is the one who adds value to your story. Because of my story, my life has taken on new meaning. I believe that God assigned me this "mountain" to show others that it can be moved.

In four weeks I will wear the white dress, and I will walk down the aisle to the man God intended for me to spend my life with. But this day will symbolize so much more than just a marriage. This is a marriage of two people, joining as one family, with God as the center.  The bible says, "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy: I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." This day will be a day of celebration because the devil has not won.  God has given me a new life and I'm going to live it for his glory.

That's the Real Love Story.




  1. This will be the best day ever.... So glad we will be able to share in this with you , Jeff , miss Sydney and Carter...❤️💙💗💙

  2. I am so proud of you Brittani. God has truely blessed you. I am so excited for you and your new family to begin this journey together. God always has a plan and a purpose. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this journey through your blog. You bring those who was it so much hope and joy. You have the kindest heart ! Love you dearly.

  3. Congrats to both on your new marriage. Happy for you and wish you many blessings together. Amazing story Brittani! God is truly good!
