My Story

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Faith, HOPE, and Love

When I first felt God calling me to start this blog, I was incredibly hesitant. Why would people care to hear what I had to say? I kept asking, "Why me God?" I was just a mediocre writer, I wasn't qualified, and I had no idea what I was doing. So I avoided the idea as much as I could, telling myself things like, " People probably wouldn't like it anyways..." I came up with so many reasons why I shouldn't do it, but God kept pressing it on my heart. Finally I decided to step out in faith, and I'm so glad that I did. I had NO IDEA that I would get the kind of response that I have gotten and continue to receive. In the 6 short months since I first started this blog, the huge amount of love and encouragement that I have received from others is overwhelming. I have received messages, texts, emails, and phone calls from so many people, saying how my blog has inspired, encouraged, or changed or their lives. 

What was holding me back was that I thought my life needed to be perfect in order for others to be interested in it. All the blogs that I had read were the "picture-perfect" blogs, complete with cute and healthy lunch-box meals, "outfit of the days", baby bump updates, and elaborate family vacations. I didn't have ANY of that to offer, I was completely broken. So far from perfect. But what I have learned about God, is that He loves to take things that are broken and make beautiful things out of them. I now see that God knew that other's lives were also broken, beyond what I could see. I believe that He is using my story to relate to others, in ways that the "picture-perfect" blogs can't. After all, He doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. 

So here are just a few messages that I have received since starting my blog: 

"Just want you to know your blog is amazing. And you are doing some 
serious God work. Blessings are about to pour on you and that baby boy 
like never before." 

"Your words just helped me so much. I'm sitting here crying because it is just is spot on what I needed to hear today!" 

"God is speaking through you and you are helping people. I know for sure because you just helped me!"

I have been so humbled, blessed and encouraged through these kinds of messages. I want to say thank you to each and every one of you who have sent me messages such as these, shared my posts or commented on them. Your words are not forgotten. But what all of these particular messages have in common is that they are are from the same person. She has been one of my biggest cheerleaders from day one, and now it's my turn to be hers. 

#JOURNEYTOBABYV shirt design - zoomed

Domonique and her husband, Steve, have been struggling with heartbreak of infertility. A few months ago they were given a diagnosis that decreased their odds of conceiving on their own. Surgical intervention will be their only hope for a possible family. Unfortunately, insurance will not cover the costs of the very expensive procedures. Domonique has been such an encouragement to me in my journey, and I can only hope to be that to her, in her and her husbands journey to bring a precious life into this world. We serve a God of miracles and I am big believer in the amazing power or prayer. 

#JOURNEYTOBABYV Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - frontThese precious shirts are on sale in support of raising money for this wonderful cause. Please join me in helping them raise this money to help them on their #JOURNEYTOBABYV 
Just click on the link at the bottom of this page to order your T-shirt in support of this wonderful cause. Donations and prayers are also greatly appreciated. 

Thank you all for all of your support towards my blog, and for your support towards this wonderful couple!! 



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