My Story

Friday, December 26, 2014

'Tis the Reason

I finally got home around 10pm after a jam-packed Christmas Day of driving here and there. My car was stocked with presents that Carter and I had received, and I had to make quite a few trips up and down the stairs just to bring them all up. My apartment was a mess from Christmas morning activities and a pile of dishes sat in the sink from breakfast. Carter was with his dad for half of the day and was sleeping at his house for the night. I sat down on the couch in the quiet of the room and looked at the bags of presents. I felt empty. It's not that I expected for bags of presents to make me feel whole, but I felt strangely guilty. Carter and I had been very blessed, with materialistic things. All the toys a child could want, home decor, and gift cards. I hadn't asked for anything for Christmas, and I feel very fortunate to have been blessed with such thoughtful gifts. But as I sat there, tears began to fill my eyes. What I wanted for Christmas is not something that anyone could place under the tree. I wanted my son to be at home, asleep in his room and to have the family that I always dreamed he would have. I wanted to have my parents together, and I wanted to have the relationship with my mother that I used to have. But I know better. God has a plan that far exceeds any plans that I could have for my own life. And much as it hurts, I have to trust that he knows what he's doing. 

I stood up to get a tissue, and as I began to walk, I passed by a mirror. For some reason, I just stood there and looked at my reflection. I have cried many tears within the past year, but this time I didn't wipe them away, I just let them fall. And as I looked at myself, I saw a girl that I didn't recognize. This girl was strong. But she didn't get that way on her own. 

I have learned that in my deepest moments of despair, to lay it all down before Jesus. In those moments when I don't want to get up off the floor, He reaches down to take my hand and helps me up again.... and again. He says," The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

I will never forget something that my dad told me not too long ago. He said, "There is only one man you can count on. As your dad, I will try my best but I am not perfect. But Jesus is." And my dad is right.

HE will never leave me. HE will never fail me. HE will never hurt me. HE is my rock. HE is my Savior. 

As I stood there looking in the mirror, a quiet voice was there to remind me that I wasn't walking through this alone. And through all of the trials and struggles, I can feel his presence. I believe that through me, he will use my story to further his kingdom and change the lives of others. Looking back at me in the mirror, I saw a girl who wasn't afraid of what the future holds, because she knows that her God is already there. He doesn't care about all those fancy gifts that we received for Christmas. He doesn't care what the comforter on your bed looks like, the brand of your handbag, or the jewels around your neck. He cares about what's in your heart. 

I now understood why I felt so empty. I looked around at my apartment and at those bags that were full of possessions and things that don't matter. I have things shoved away in drawers that I've forgotten about, and there's perfectly new toys that have sunk to the bottom of the toy box. I've got 20 pairs of shoes and there's children out there who don't even have one pair. I've become so selfish and have gotten so caught up in the earthly things of this world, that I have forgotten to live the way that Jesus has called us to live. Do I think that having nice things is wrong? Absolutely not! But if you're looking for earthy possessions to make you happy, you will always fall short. There will always be a newer, bigger, better thing out there. But there is only ONE God. And only He can fulfill your life, like nothing of this world. 

Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 

If Jesus showed up at your doorstep for dinner, he wouldn't remember what you were wearing or what your house looked like. But he would remember what was in your heart. Each of is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus. Beneath all things of this World, is there room left for him in your heart?

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Every year it seems to go by faster and faster and I find myself wanting hold on the magic of the season. However, I'm looking forward to a brand new year and I have been praying about something big that God has placed on my heart. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated! If you don't hear from me before, I pray that you have a wonderful New Year's Day!



Monday, December 8, 2014

Homemade Bath Fizzies

There is nothing more that I look forward to at night, than taking a long relaxing bath at the end of the day. As a treat, I have always loved using Lush Cometics' bath bombs, but they can be anywhere from $6-$10 per bath bomb. With the amount of baths that I take, I'd be spending a lot of money on something that's going to fizzle away in just a few minutes. However, I always love how they make my bath water smell so good and my skin so soft. Soooo... I looked for recipes on Pinterest in an attempt to make my own. As expected, I came across dozens of recipes. After reading up on all of them, I decided to make a variation of my own recipe. 

So here are the ingredients I used. HOWEVER, I would substitute the baby oil for sweet almond oil. I just so happened to have baby oil on hand but I regret not using almond oil. Coconut oil is also optional because it doesn't completely fizz in the water, but it will make your skin so soft. 

3/4 cup corn starch-$3

1 cup baking soda -$2

1/2 cup citric acid (found at most health food stores; bought mine at Goodstuff) -$4

3T sweet almond oil ( also read that vegetable oil works well) -$6

1T coconut oil (OPTIONAL) -$10

1/3 small bottle essential oil; I used Lavender but you can choose any oil you choose -$10 

Food colors of choice 

Molds ( clear round ornaments, muffin tin with or without liners, different shaped candy molds)

NOT PICTURED A spray bottle with water. Helps to distribute the food coloring throughout the mixture.

My handy little helper........

Mix all the dry ingredients together (baking soda, citric acid, corn starch) in a large bowl.

Next add the sweet almond oil and the coconut oil if you choose. Then add the essential oil of your choice. I "guesstimated" the amount of oil I used to be about 1/4 to 1/3 of the bottle. I wanted my fizzies to be purple so I added about 5 drops of both red and blue food coloring. Then, spray the mixture with water to help distribute the color. Mix with your hands until the mixture is the color you want and the consistency is moldable like sand when squeezed. 

Press the mixture into the mold(s) you are using. I used a muffin tin with liners, but I plan to use a clear plastic ornament for the next batch so that they are in the shape of a ball. 

Let them sit in the freezer overnight. The liner will peel off easily when ready. 

And here's what they look like when they're done! I wish they would have been more of a purple color, but this was pretty "trial and error" for me. 

They made my bath water smell AMAZING and my skin SO soft. I even broke one in half and used it in Carter's bath, and his skin was so soft after. 


I hope that this recipe works for you!! I will however, continue to "tweak" the the ingredients and I promise to update you on any changes that I find work better. There are so many variations of this recipe with many shapes and scent combinations that it's overwhelming!

So grab a glass of wine, turn on Pandora, drop a bath Fizzie in your water and ENJOY!! 




Tuesday, November 25, 2014

This Thanksgiving...

It's truly amazing how quickly a year goes by, and how much your life can change in such a short amount of time. This time last year, my life felt as though it was completely falling apart all around me. Looking back, some of that time was a blur, and some of that time is embedded in my memory so vividly that I wish I could forget it. And although some days I still feel as though I'm still living in chaos, I feel extremely thankful this year for the many blessings that God has given me.

Social media makes it very to easy compare your life to everyone else's these days. We take the best part of our days and showcase them for everyone to see, moving piles of laundry and staging our pictures just right so it appears as though we have it all together. As you look through photos on my social media accounts, you would never be able to guess which days that I was battling some of the hardest days of my life. I'm guilty of looking at other's photos and seeing things like engagements, weddings and pregnancy announcements, and wondering why everyone else's lives seem to be moving forward while mine seems to be moving backwards. It has taken me a good year to realize that I am not moving backwards and that others lives are not as perfect as they might look on the outside. I have learned that although my life feels like it's falling apart, it's actually falling into place the way that God wants it to. Sometimes we get so caught up in the things in that aren't going OUR way, that we forget about the blessings that we have been given. This Thanksgiving, I want to be sure that I really take a step back and thank God for all that he has blessed me with, and I urge you to do the same. 

The biggest blessing in my life is my son. The greatest feeling in the world is to be loved unconditionally. Your children love you despite what your hair looks like, what jean size you wear or whether or not you graduated college. They fill a void in your heart that you didn't even know you had until they came into your life, and they make you forget all about your life before them. To be called "mommy" or "daddy" is one of the biggest blessings this world has to offer. Not only did God give me the gift of being a mom, but he gave me the second best calling, to be a nurse. Earlier this year, at a time when I needed it the most, he gave me the best job that I could ever ask for, and that's an understatement. I can't even call it a "job", because I would do it for free. I was not only given the best job, but I was blessed with a new friendship and another little boy who has stolen my heart.  It is no coincidence that I am where I am today.

I am thankful for the clothes that fit just a little too snug because it means that I have enough to eat. I'm thankful for the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means that I am capable of walking. I'm thankful for the complaining I hear about the government because it means that we have freedom of speech. I'm thankful for the lady behind me in church that sings off key because it means that I can hear. And I'm thankful for the alarm that goes off when I wake up because it means that I'm alive. I have a roof over my head, a car to drive, clothes on my back and a family that loves me. I have established friendships this year that I would have never had the chance to make if my life had never changed. I am an entirely different person than I was a year ago, and I love who I have become. I have learned grace, forgiveness, patience, strength and selflessness. And I have a whole future ahead of me, full of hopes and dreams and I have never been more excited about all the plans God has for my life.

I know there might be someone reading this that is going through a hard time this year, and it feels like you have nothing to be thankful for. I know you feel like the only one in world going through a hard time, but I promise you're not alone. Look around at all the simple things that you have been blessed with and don't compare your life to the "outside" of everyone else's. God might be doing some "rearranging" in your life, but know that he hasn't forgotten about you. 

My hope is that you will reflect over this past year and think about all that you have to be thankful for, and that you will enjoy this time with the ones that you love and love you. Oh, and gobble till you wobble! ;) 

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

Much love, 



Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Beauty Favorites

These types of posts are always my favorite to read from other bloggers. I'm always interested to see which products every one else is loving. My beauty routine is super simple and I don't use anything fancy on a day to day basis. All of these products can be found at your local Target.... imagine that?? I'm ALWAYS on the hunt for new beauty products to try out, but I always come back to these favorites!  If you're a busy mom like me, a student with little time, or just looking for a simple beauty routine, then this post is for you!! 

1. NYC Sunny Brozer- Until I stumbled across this bronzer, I always had trouble finding one that wouldn't make me look orange. I have very fair skin and most bronzers look very un-natural on my skin tone. This bronzer gives my skin a healthy glow and color, without looking orange or "fake". I've tried many-high end bronzers and while some of them worked well, I have never found one that is worth the $25. NYC Sunny is very natural looking and best of all..... It's only $3!!

2. Revlon Instant Age Rewind Dark Spot Corrector (my color is fair/light) - This concealer works miracles! I am a night nurse and a single mom of a toddler, so sleep is a rare commodity. This concealer is miraculously good at completely hiding those dark circles under my eyes. Revlon does have a "dark circle corrector" from this same line, but I feel like this concealer works better since I use it on other areas of my face. I apply this with the sponge applicator under my eyes and to any other areas that might need concealing. I don't usually wear a foundation so this works very well to cover up any areas of redness that I might have. It's a very light concealer with great coverage and runs from $8-$10 depending on where you purchase it from. 

3. Covergirl Lash Blast Mascara (in very black)- I have tried MANY mascaras in my day. I've tried countless high-end mascaras as well as drugstore mascaras but I always come back to this one. If I use another mascara and then begin using this one again, I always wonder why I stopped using it in the first place. I don't know that it has to do with the formula itself but it's more about the brush that I love. It's a thicker and larger brush that seems to separate the lashes without making them look thin and "spidery". And I NEVER use waterproof mascara. I'm convinced it makes your eyelashes fall out. You can find this mascara at Target or local drugstore for around $7. 

4.NYX Lip Butter (Apple Strudel)- THIS LIP GLOSS ROCKS. Seriously, this stuff is awesome. First off, I hate sticky lip glosses. I want to be able to slide my lips across each other and them not get stuck to each other. This lip gloss is as literally as smooth as butter, hints the name "lip butter". I also rarely wear lipstick so I like my lipgloss to have some color payoff. Every color that I have in this line, has beautiful color payoff, unlike many lipglosses that are very sheer or even clear. Plus, they smell like CUPCAKES. And you better sit down for this...... you can find these at Target for $4.99!!!! 

5. Burt's Bees Sensitive Night Cream- For some reason I have always had the most difficult time finding a moisturizer that works well with my skin. I have very sensitive skin, so trying new things makes me very anxious. However, I finally found one that works for me and this face cream is the bees knees (see what I did there??). When I wake up in the morning my skin is so soft and looks very refreshed, no matter how little sleep I get. It doesn't make me red, breakout, or leave my skin looking greasy. It is $15.99 at Target which is extremely reasonable for such a great night cream! If you have very sensitive skin like me, I cannot recommend this enough!! 

6. Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes- If you do not use makeup-removing wipes, you're really missing out!! I am very particular when it comes to skincare and I never go to sleep with makeup on. These wipes will take off all of your makeup in less than a minute or two, no harsh scrubbing necessary. I used to go through facial cleanser extremely fast but once I started using these, my cleanser lasts me MUCH longer. I have tried other brands, but they never remove my makeup as well as these do. Plus they are easy to throw in your bag for use at the gym or work. I usually buy mine in a value pack (2 packs of 25) for $6.47! 

7. Simple Moisturizing Facial Cleanser- BEST FACIAL CLEANSER EVER. It sounds silly, but I would be completely embarrassed to tell you the amount of facial cleansers that I have tried in my lifetime. I haven't always had the best skin, so after a few visits to the dermatologist in my late teens, my skin is virtually breakout free except for a few monthly exceptions. However, I still have very sensitive skin and most cleansers I have tried always made my face red or very dry. I have been using this cleanser for about 2 years now and my skin has never looked better. You can find it at Target for $6.99! 

8. Garnier Fructis Hairspray (humidity control)- Although most of my hair products are "high-end" brands, hair spray is one product that I have a hard time splurging on. I feel like most of them do the same thing, some just make your hair "harder" than others. And that's exactly why I love this hairspray. It does not make your hair feel "hard" at all. I can spray it on flyaways, curls, and ponytails and it holds each style without fail. I also like that the scent is pleasant but not overpowering, like some hairsprays that always end up giving me a headache. Best of all, it's only $3.99! 

I hope that you found this post helpful in some way and that you will go out and try a few of these drugstore gems for yourself! Leave a comment below if you tried out or use any of these products and let me know how you like them!  And if YOU have any favorite beauty products, I'd love to know about them! Have a "BEAUTY-ful" day!!! 



Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dear Carter

I apologize for being so MIA lately. I've been wanting to write this post for weeks now, but the timing just wasn't right. So now I sit with the words I want to say overflowing from my heart and I'm ready to share this with you. And of course with Carter, as I hope this is something that he will cherish one day.

DISCLAIMER: You might want to grab some tissues. 

Dear Carter, 

As I sit here in the dark rocking you to sleep, with your nose so stuffy that you can barely breathe, and your little arms wrapped around my neck, I can't begin to tell you how much I love you. You gave me a run for my money today. Throwing a fit in Target, flushing wads of toilet paper to clog up the toilet, and spilling yogurt all over yourself and the rug, twice. But in every moment, no matter how trying, there will never be a time when I will not love you. From the early morning of July 27, 2012 at the very moment that I saw that plus sign, I have loved you. I loved you when you made me sick, gave me terrible heartburn, and kicked me so hard I thought you would kick right through my skin. Everyday that my belly grew, my heart grew with love for you. The anticipation of meeting you was almost more than I could bear. Finally, on April 13, 2013 at 3:34pm, I fell in love with you. From the moment they placed you in my arms, I wanted to protect you from the world. I had no idea what it took to be a good mother, or if I would even be good mother, but I wanted to be the best for you. 

The early days were hard. I vividly remember laying on the couch with you on my chest because it was the only way you would sleep. I would cry, when you cried. I was exhausted, and you were stubborn. It took awhile, but eventually we got the hang of it. I dreaded the day that I had to go back to school. I cried because I had to leave you, and even thought about not finishing so I could be with you. But God knew our future, and He held my hand and guided me through school, for you. He knew that it wouldn't be our toughest battle. 

Every Sunday, I meet your daddy so that you can spend a few days with him while I go to work. These days are the hardest. I tell myself the whole way there that I will not cry when I drop you off. I tell you that I love you so much, and you say " I uv you so much." I am able to choke back tears until I get on the highway. Two days seems like an eternity, but I am so grateful that your father loves you just as much as I do, and I know that you also enjoy your time with him. You see, although we are not married to each other, we have something in common and that is we both equally love you more than you could ever imagine.

I struggle with feelings that I have let you down. I wanted your life to be perfect, because you deserve that. To protect you from every little thing that might hurt you, or let you down. But I want you to know, that life will not always go your way. You're going to get knocked down time after time and sometimes you're going to want to lie there and not get up. I want you to know that it's ok to cry. To get angry. To not understand. And I might not always be able to fix it, but I promise to always be the hand that pulls you up, every time. God made you a very head-strong boy, but I pray that you will always seek God's will for your life. He always knows what's best for you, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time. I thank God everyday that he has made me your mom, and there is nothing you could ever do to change that. 

There are many nights where I tuck you in and close the door behind me and I stand there with tears steaming down my face. You're growing so fast and I don't ever want to forget these moments. I scan over the day and think of the little moments that I might have overlooked. When you hold out your hand for me to kiss your "boo-boo" or hang on my leg until I pick you up or cuddle in my arms when you're sick. Because one day it will be the last time for each of those things and I don't ever want to forget. I look forward to every "first" with you and you will never have a bigger fan than me. 

I wrote you this letter so that you will never forget just how much I love you. Just in case a day comes where I am not able to remind you just how much you mean to me. You will never fully understand just how much I love you. You literally saved my life. You make me laugh when I want to cry. You have made me selfless and patient. You keep joy in my heart. You keep me on my toes. You make me a better person. You are the best gift that God could ever give, and I am blessed that he chose me to be your mom. 
I love you Carter. 


Sunday, October 19, 2014

"Stuck" part 2

I woke up at 7 am to the maintenance workers mowing the grass right outside my window. Initially I was furious. Carter wouldn't be up for at least another hour and half.....seriously?? I reached for my phone and saw that I had a message from a friend of mine whom I had not talked to in a few months. This is what it said...

"Hey girl, sorry it's early. I was wondering if you have ever considered hosting a bible study class? Just an idea, I would go!! My grandma passed away yesterday evening and I was laying in bed and for some reason I decided to look on instagram and was looking at your pics. I decided to read your blog as was amazed by how much you have grown in the past year! You are a beautiful and strong woman and this whole experience has made me want to walk close to him so I can see her again one day! I just felt like you were the perfect person to help me get there!"

Tears immediately filled my eyes. I went from being furious at the maintenance men to feeling so excited that I could run outside and hug them! There I was the night before, asking God what it is that I should be doing, and there it was! She was a blessing to me that morning and she didn't even know it! Our God works in some amazing ways!

I spent the day trying to figure out what it was that God wanted me to do through this bible study. It didn't take long for me to come across a women's study called "Stuck". After reading what the author of the study had to say about it, I knew that it was exactly what I had been looking for.

"This study exists because I know I am not alone in this. The more I am let into the deep crevasses of people’s hearts, the more I am convinced that every one of us is fighting something. Yet we look out from our secret wars and see people who smile peacefully and seem to be all right—and we smile back at them."

This spoke me. How many times have you been asked by someone "How are you?" and you automatically reply with "good", no matter how awful you are feeling inside. We all do it. We hide how we are feeling inside to match the perception of what we want others to see. I know this feeling all too well, and I do not have it all figured it. But I have a testimony that has shaped me into a completely new person, and I wouldn't trade the person that I have become, for anything. Looking back, I realize that God had to completely break me before he could use me. I am not a fan of talking in front of others, and never considered myself to lead anything. But I am so excited to share with these girls what God has taught me throughout my struggles.

It's quite funny how all of this began with the lady below my apartment that knocked on my door. Perhaps I should knock on her door and tell her "thank you....." 

P.S. If you are interested in joining the bible study, please send me a facebook message, or email me at


Monday, October 13, 2014

"Stuck" PART 1

 Yesterday evening, the lady that lives below my apartment on the 2nd floor came and knocked on my door. I went to the door with Carter hanging off my leg, wearing a plaid button up shirt and running shorts. Carter's clothes were a mess and he had beans from his taco all over his face.  From the moment I answered the door, she started in on how they can hear running footsteps and loud thumps above their apartment, and that we needed to keep the noise down. As politely as I could, I told her, "I'm sorry, we will try to be quieter. But he is a toddler, I can only do so much, I'm doing as best as I can." And she just stared at me, peering over my shoulder and looking into my apartment like it was her business. After what seemed like a minute, she continued " And we've been hearing it since 7:00am this morning." Mind you that Carter had not woken up until 8:30am, took an hour and half afternoon nap, and we left at 4:30pm for a few hours to run errands. I told her that we would be mindful of it and I shut the door. I couldn't help but feel angry and defeated inside. Does she not have kids? Has she never seen how much energy a toddler has? Were her toddler's perfect silent angels? I began to cry as I reflected over the day that I had. Carter had been fussy since he woke up. He is cutting teeth, and nothing seemed to make him happy but for me to hold him. I love to hold my baby, but sometimes I want to take a shower or brush my teeth or heaven-forbid I go to the bathroom. He had poured tea all over the floor and had taken orange marker to my white comforter and my white table. Then, right after bath-time he poured juice all over himself, "ice bucket challenge style." AND THEN she just had to come knock on my door and tell me that we were too loud. Little did she know that she would be the inspiration for my next blog post.

I tried not to let it get to me. I tried not to concentrate on her piercing eyes staring a hole through my soul, making me feel like an incompetent mother .I know she didn't intend to make me cry, but if she had approached the situation in a different way, it wouldn't have hurt so much. I put Carter to bed and thought about all the blog posts I've read about moms feeling defeated, like they never measure up. They don't hand you a manual when your child is born and tell you that other moms are going to judge you. That people were going to stare at you in public while your child makes a scene. They also didn't give you a ticket into the future telling you that you would be a single mom, or that you or your husband would lose your job, or that someone you love would suddenly no longer be in your life. Moms or not, we are all broken. Some might be more "broken" than others, but nonetheless we have all felt it before. For the past year, I have endured the darkest of days, often questioning God and asking "why me?" I knew that he would not put me through such trials if I wasn't strong enough to get through them. I also knew that I didn't endure them to just keep what I have learned to myself. I felt him pushing me to start a blog to help share with others what he has done through me. But I still felt like that wasn't all I should be doing.

I went to bed at 1:00am (which is very normal for me), still thinking as I always do. I had felt all evening an uneasiness and restlessness in my heart about the day. If I was feeling like this, how many other women felt the same way? I asked God to remove the bitterness in my heart towards the woman that lived below me, and that he would continue to lead me in the right direction because often times, I feel a little lost. Whenever I am questioning God's will, I always turn to an image in my phone that has John 13:7 written on it. 

Jesus replied "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."

And I put my phone down, and went to sleep. 

Stay tuned for PART 2...........

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Home Sweet Home

 Growing up I was positive that I did not inherit any part of the decorating gene from my mother, who is a wonderful decorator. Our home always looked beautiful, like something out of a magazine. It wasn't until about a year ago that I realized that watching her all those years must have rubbed off on me. I would NEVER consider myself a professional, and I wouldn't want to make a living at it, but it's a hobby that I really enjoy. I love whites and grays, with touches of gold and pink. I would best describe my style of decor as "girly shabby-chic". 

I would like to show you a few of my favorite spots in my apartment, along with a few pieces of furniture that I turned from broken to beautiful. I know....very clever.

First off is my little breakfast area. I bought this table and chairs for $65 and re-painted it all using white Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. It only took a few hours to do and I LOVE the result. 

Recently, my grandma gave me this table that is originally from Kirkland's. However, the color of it was just too dark for my liking. I decided to take my trusty can of gold spray paint and spray the iron legs, and then paint the top of the table with the white Annie Sloan chalk paint. I was very pleased with the way it turned out!

No, I did not sew the comforter or make the pillows (although learning to make pillows is on my to-do list), but how could your bed NOT be one of your favorite places in your home??  I did however, make the sequin "B" on the wall. If you would be interested in seeing a tutorial on how to make one, leave me a comment and let me know!

It's not your typical nightstand, but I love the way this versatile piece from IKEA looks sitting next to my bed. Once upon a time this was used for storing fabric, and then I used it to organize my massive scarf collection, and now its a nightstand! 

Last but not least is one of my favorite areas in my living room. Believe it or not, I bought this IKEA love-seat off of Craigslist for $60. It was pretty dirty from sitting in someone's garage, but it was only used for a few photo shoots and had hardly been sat in! I spent all night cleaning it with Scotchgard upholstery cleaner, let it air dry overnight, and it looked brand new the next morning! 

Even if we don't have the same style, I hope this gives you a few little ideas to spice up your own home. Decorating your home or apartment doesn't have to cost a fortune. But no one else has to know that!!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gap and Goodwill

For my very first post, I thought it would be best start off on a "not so heavy" note, and show you a few bargains that I've recently found! 

Now if you do not know me personally, it is important that you know that I am a total baby GAP snob. Not only are their clothes adorable, but they wear really well. And when I say "wear", I essentially mean that they are able to survive more than multiple wears and washes after the beating that an 18 month old boy will put them through. However, I will NEVER pay full price for their clothes. It's not because their clothes are not worth the price, because they are. I have noticed however, that they rotate clothing out very regularly. This means that there is always a good selection of clearance items in their stores. But wait, it gets better. If you will subscribe to the company's email list, you will see that The Gap is always having some kind of sale. Sometimes the clearance will go an extra 40% off!! So, you should do like I do and run to your nearest Gap and stock on this seasons or next seasons clothes for your little one..... for cheap! 

For example, on my last trip to the Gap I bought a pair of shorts, a pair of pants, a shirt, a t-shirt onesie and a precious cardigan...... for a total of $22!!!!! 
Long sleeve Onesie- $3.59
Navy Pants-$0.58.......YES you read that right!! 
I totaled up the original prices from the tags, and if I had paid original price for each item, my total would have been $93 before tax!!!! That's crazy!! 

Does anyone else ever go to Goodwill??? I remember going as a teenager with my mom or grandma when they would go "thrifting". I remember always complaining about the smell, and embarssed for even being there. Now that I'm a grown-up (hahahaha yeah right), I enjoy going to look for treasures and could care less about what people think. Sometimes I find nothing, sometimes I'll find a few little trinkets here and there, and sometimes I'll find old furniture to re-purpose. The last trip I found just few  little items that I'd love to share with you! 
I spotted this pretty artificial pink peony arrangement from a few rows over. Before even picking it up I thought that it looked very similar to one that I had my eye on from the Target Summer Home Collection. However, I wasn't about to pay $20.00 for a small little flower arrangement. Sure enough.... 
$1.99! Score! 

My favorite find of the day were these adorable vintage-looking children's bowls that immediately caught my eye. I thought they were SO cute and didn't even think twice about grabbing them up. 
After I got home and went to put 
them in the dishwasher, I turned them over and lo and behold....
POTTERY BARN KIDS!! No wonder they caught my eye! 
3 bowls x .99=$2.97 
There is no telling how much those bowls were! MAJOR SCORE!! 

So now that I've shared my secrets with you, head out to your local Goodwill and your nearest Gap and start saving money!! Just save some for me!! 

Much Love, 

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Let me start by saying that it has been on my heart to start a blog for some time now. I don't know where the idea originated from, seeing as I did NOT inherit the writing gene of the family which so fittingly belongs to my English major of a brother. I also thought, "My life is not really that interesting, I doubt anyone would care to know what I have to say." So I prayed about it..... and prayed about it. I've never heard of anyone saying that they prayed about starting a blog, but I did. I wanted to be sure that this was the outlet that God wanted me to express my life through. I soon came to the realization that although I feel that writing will be very therapeutic for me, I understood that this blog was not only going to be for me, but for the others who might stumble across my blog in need of hope when their days are at their darkest.

If you already know me and my personal journey, thank you for stopping by my blog! And please excuse me while I bore you with a little introduction about myself.....

My name is Brittani and I am a 23 year old single mommy of the most precious 18 month old ball of fire, and the biggest gift from God. I am a Registered Nurse working in pediatrics. It is truly my calling. I am blessed that God has given me a career where I never actually feel like I'm at work. I work 3 nights a week so on the days/nights that I'm not working or sleeping, I spend them with my little man. I love to decorate, re-purpose old furniture, and go what I like to call, "thrifting." I love to spend countless hours walking around Target with Starbucks in my hand. I'm your typical mom with my 4 day old unwashed hair in a messy bun, with applesauce and peanut butter on my shirt, trying to get my 1 1/2 year old to sit down or stop screaming. I'm sure you've seen me there a time or two.

I would like to clear the air and say that I was married to my son's father for a little less than 2 years before our divorce. This by no means defines who I am, but the scars that are left are what have shaped me into the person that I have become and continue to become. My past has built the foundation on why I have decided to start this blog. You could call it " Broken Made Beautiful." But don't worry, this blog will not be all serious talk. I can't wait to share decorating ideas, and "thrifting finds", and details and stories from my daily life. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and don't be a stranger!!
