My Story

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Let me start by saying that it has been on my heart to start a blog for some time now. I don't know where the idea originated from, seeing as I did NOT inherit the writing gene of the family which so fittingly belongs to my English major of a brother. I also thought, "My life is not really that interesting, I doubt anyone would care to know what I have to say." So I prayed about it..... and prayed about it. I've never heard of anyone saying that they prayed about starting a blog, but I did. I wanted to be sure that this was the outlet that God wanted me to express my life through. I soon came to the realization that although I feel that writing will be very therapeutic for me, I understood that this blog was not only going to be for me, but for the others who might stumble across my blog in need of hope when their days are at their darkest.

If you already know me and my personal journey, thank you for stopping by my blog! And please excuse me while I bore you with a little introduction about myself.....

My name is Brittani and I am a 23 year old single mommy of the most precious 18 month old ball of fire, and the biggest gift from God. I am a Registered Nurse working in pediatrics. It is truly my calling. I am blessed that God has given me a career where I never actually feel like I'm at work. I work 3 nights a week so on the days/nights that I'm not working or sleeping, I spend them with my little man. I love to decorate, re-purpose old furniture, and go what I like to call, "thrifting." I love to spend countless hours walking around Target with Starbucks in my hand. I'm your typical mom with my 4 day old unwashed hair in a messy bun, with applesauce and peanut butter on my shirt, trying to get my 1 1/2 year old to sit down or stop screaming. I'm sure you've seen me there a time or two.

I would like to clear the air and say that I was married to my son's father for a little less than 2 years before our divorce. This by no means defines who I am, but the scars that are left are what have shaped me into the person that I have become and continue to become. My past has built the foundation on why I have decided to start this blog. You could call it " Broken Made Beautiful." But don't worry, this blog will not be all serious talk. I can't wait to share decorating ideas, and "thrifting finds", and details and stories from my daily life. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and don't be a stranger!!



  1. I'm so excited about this blog and will be following regularly. This will be an inspiration for many. You also have been BLESSED with the Gift of Writing��

  2. Oh Brittani

    God has blessed you with many talents. You are such a beautiful and wonderf person inside and out. I am so proud of the woman you have become. I am happy to have the pleasure of calling you my friend even though we don't see each other that often. I look forward to seeing and hearing the many talents that God has given you. You are truly blessed. You will always be my crouching tiger.


    1. OH my goodness Aimee, I love you girl!!! Thank you for your sweet words!! You are such a wonderful friend!!!xoxoxo

  3. You are truly an inspiration and I am blessed to call you my friend. You just don't know how much I look up to you, even though I'm almost 7 years older, haha. Love you and congratulations on your blog (I used to blog too!)!

    1. Aw Shannon, you are SO SWEET. I love you girl!!

  4. I just love you!!! What a blessing this will be to others. You are living proof that GOD can turn ANYTHING into His Glory. May GOD Bless you and your precious son ALWAYS!!!

    1. Thank you Shannon!!! Thank you for being a cheerleader in my life. You have no idea how much your support means to me!! Xoxo

  5. Love you girl!!!! You're amazing and an inspiration

  6. You go girl!!!!!!... You are an inspiration to many.... Those that know your story and those who are blessed to find you!!!

  7. So excited for you!! Can't wait to follow you and your new journey! Love you!!

  8. So glad you decided to start a blog! You are the pure definition of a Strong Woman! And that strength needs to be shared with this dark world we live in. So proud and excited to follow you on your blog! His light shines through you daily and now you with be shining it with your words ♡

  9. You are an inspiration my love..I'm so very proud of your resilience and your success..xoxo.. Can't wait to see where this journey takes you. Xoxox

  10. Thank you Anna.... YOU are an inspiration. I miss you lady!!!
