My Story

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

20 Weeks Pregnancy Update

How far along? 20 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? YES. I've been wearing maternity clothes for awhile now, my "go-to" outfit is usually black leggings and a maternity top with a cardigan. I have two pair of maternity jeans but by mid-day they seem to sag in my tush area and I end up having to pull them up all day. The jeans in my 20 week photo are actually not maternity but very stretchy. I was so excited when I put them on and they zipped and buttoned just like before I was pregnant. I will definitely be riding them out as long as I can.
Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well, although I don't require as much as I did in the first trimester. I can go to bed at 11pm instead of 9pm and feel fine in the morning. It helps to have a snoogle, the best pregnancy pillow EVER, and a child who sleeps until 9am. (insert praise hands emoji)
Best moment this week: This morning my husband, Carter and I got to see our sweet boy since we last saw him 5 weeks ago. The doctor said his anatomy was beautiful and he was measuring ahead of my due date. It was so good to see him moving around in there, more so for my husband because every time he tries to feel Cooper move, he stops. It's actually becoming really funny now.
Miss Anything? After I put the kids to sleep on Monday nights I like to sit down and watch The Bachelor. When I finally sat down, I thought about how nice it would be to have a glass of wine. But I settled for a glass of water and thought about how I have the rest of my life for a glass of wine. No rush.
Cravings:  I really crave sour things like Sour Patch Kids and oranges and juices. I keep tiny little packets of sour patch in the house so when a craving hits, I don't eat to many. I may or may not hide them from the kids.
Symptoms:  I've been feeling pretty good, except for this last week when I was hit hard with respiratory infection. Besides that, I will wake up with an occasional headache, but they aren't as bad as they were before. The right side of my belly is tender and my doctor says she thinks it's just that the round ligaments are tighter on that side. I'm starting to get hungry more often, which is good because I'm finally starting to gain more weight.
Looking forward to: Organizing and buying baby things. I've already started to put together some of Carter's old things like his swing and it makes me so excited. I got rid of a lot of his things because I didn't know when or if I would ever have another child again. So it's exciting to have a mixture of his old things and also getting to buy a few new things.