My Story

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

One Year-Thank You!

This week marks the one year anniversary of my blog! It's so hard to believe that something that started as a therapeutic outlet for me, has taken off way more than I could have possibly imagined. With over 33,000 views, this little blog is reaching those from not only the United States, but Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Brazil and many, many more regions of the world. I started this blog with my mission being, "If God can use me to change one person's life with my story, then everything I endured would be worth it." I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and how much I wanted to put myself out there, but I took a leap of faith and I am so thankful that I listened. I have received countless messages, calls and text messages saying how one post helped someone through the day or touched them in some way. I've even been stopped in public by people I don't even know who have read my blog! Some people may know part of my story, some people may know all of my story. But the best and most important part of my story is that God took a young girl, so incredibly broken, and He made her into something so much more beautiful than she was before. 

I just want to tell each and every one of you "THANK YOU " from the bottom of my heart, for reading, commenting, liking and sharing my blog posts and for your continued outpouring of love and support. I could never fully tell you all just how much it means to me. I do not take credit however, for any of my posts. God gave me a gift that I didn't even realize I had, and showed me how to use it in a way that I would have never imagined.

What I have learned this past year is that God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling. He has placed new dreams and desires in my heart that would have never been there before. In my heart, I know that I did not go through such a difficult and painful journey, to keep my story to myself. It has become a dream of mine to write a book, and I am in the beginning stages of writing a book proposal. I understand that it can be a difficult and trying process and it may take years,  but if this is truly a God given desire, then I know he will make it happen!

Posts may be sparse over the next few weeks, because I am getting married in 15 days and things are getting busy around here, and following the wedding we will be going on a honeymoon cruise! But please stay tuned, I'm so ready to see what year number two brings!

Thank you again. Each and every one of you.
